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Masajid & Madaris Foundation

Masajid & Madaris Foundation is a Registered Educational, Training & Welfare Organization.

Focuing on UN SDGs, MMF speaks of and works for voice of neglected segments of the society while following UDHR and Islamic International Declaration of Human rights

Pictorial Representation of MMF with Program Areas


Masajid & Madaris Foundation is a registered educational, training and welfare organization that apart from establishing Mosques and Madrassas in different backward regions of Kashmir and Northern Areas, also works for Qura’nic education of girls and boys. The foundation also endeavors to establish modern educational institutes that would provide a beautiful blend of modern and Islamic studies.

We at Masajid & Madaris Foundation also patronize Aima and Preachers and organize educational workshops for teachers, preachers and Aima in order to get better results in the education and training of people during the process of Islamic Da’wa and Tableegh. The foundation aims to revive mosques’ real role, establish a proper system to offer prayer and change Mosques into Islamic teaching and training institutions.


Consolidate humanity for the uplift of marginalized segments of society.


Masajid & Madaris Foundation is committed to reviving the real role of mosques, establishing a proper system to offer prayers, and changing mosques into Islamic teaching and training institutions. We strive to provide effective programs to supplement society.


  • To enlighten the true function of Masajid in society.
  • To construct and repair mosques as well as to change them into Islamic educational and training centers.
  • To arrange for the patronizing, training and guidance of aima, khutaba and teachers for effective dawa and tableegh.
  • To strive for the eradication of ethnic, linguistic and religious prejudices and to work for the unity of Ummah
  • To establish centers for the study of Hifz and Nazra Qur’an, and Shriah’h.
  • To arrange training courses for aima, khutaba and teachers to get objective results.
  • To establish model madrisas consisting of center of Qur’anic education, library, Dar-ul-IftaWal-Irshad and dispensary in all the districts of Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas.
  • To plan a supply of resourcesfor the establishment and arrangements of Mosques and Madaris, and to arrange for long term sponsorship of aima, khutaba, teachers and Students.

Message from Chairman

Our Acheivements

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Masajid Projects

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Water Tanks

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Dawa Colleges

Our Programs

MMF Strongly Believes In

Human Dignity and Worth

All individuals of the society possess inherent dignity and worth, regardless of background, beliefs, or circumstances. Our programs and services will uphold this principle of equality and promote respect for all as per UDHR and Islamic Int’l Declaration of Human rights.

Right to Education

Recognizing education as a fundamental human right, promoting access to quality education at all levels, and advocating for policies that support inclusive and equitable educational systems with Islamic education for morality.


Prohibiting discrimination based on any grounds, including race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status. Ensuring  equal opportunities and treatment for all

Social Justice and Equity

 Working towards a just and equitable society where all individuals have the opportunity to reach their full potential, free from poverty, discrimination, and social exclusion. Addressing systemic inequalities and promoting social inclusion.

Empowerment and Participation

Empowering individuals and communities to take control of their own development, promoting active participation in decision-making processes that affect their lives, and building their capacity to advocate for their own rights.

Accountability and Transparency 

Upholding principles of accountability  and transparency in all operations, ensuring that resources are used effectively and efficiently, and that beneficiaries’ voices are heard and their concerns addressed in collaboration with external audits.

Donate Masajid Madaris Foundation
IBAN Number Faisal Bank I-8 Islamabad PK06FAYS3048301000000297

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